Our annual Tet Bastogne Banquet was held at Maggiano’s Little Italy on January 20th with twenty-four members and guests present.  Our guest speaker was Brandon Osterhaus, an Army veteran, who introduced her support service dog, Apache (also known as Echo.)  Brandon spoke about the program and the agency CJ3 Foundation that provided her service animal.  The demonstration that automatically came with the presentation and questions from the audience showed how well Apache had been trained.   The animal also understood commands in several languages.  It was very impressive and well appreciated by our members and guests.  A motion was made, seconded and approved by all to make a sizeable donation to the CJ3 Foundation. We missed you if you were not there!

Our next event will be our annual picnic and business meeting in June where we will memorialize Jimmie Keeton at the Keeton Ranch!

Watch your e-mails!

Mark your calendar; but, more importantly – find a young
(or older) veteran to join us!  Invite a friend or friends to see how you celebrate your service!